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SeneSisters Go Gold

SeneSisters Go Gold

SeneSisters, thank you for helping Sammy's Superheroes Foundation raise awareness for September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month! This month we challenge you to Go Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness!

Ways you can get involved:
  • Go LIVE on your team and customer pages and tell them why you are going GOLD in September!!
  • Crowdfund during September! If you don't yet have a page, and would like one, email
  • Donate a portion of your September sales to childhood cancer causes!
  • Donate your sales of Gold Glitter Gloss or 'liquid gold," Moisturizing Lip Balm
  • Donate proceeds from a party or Facebook party 
  • Promote customers hosting a party and having a percentage of sales donated
  • Wear your Sammy's Superheroes t-shirts and tell people WHY!
  • Share social media posts from our "SeneSisters Go Gold" Facebook page

Give children a voice by helping us raise awareness about the lack of funding for childhood cancer research.

Why is it important to GO GOLD??
  • Childhood cancer is the #1 cause of death by disease in children.
  • Childhood cancer kills more children per year than any other disease, more than Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, Diabetes and AIDS combined.
  • Children only get 4% of federal funding allocated by the National Cancer Institute.
  • 1 in every 285 kids are diagnosed with cancer.
  • At the time of diagnosis 80% of children are at Stage 4, compared to 20% of adults.
  • The average age at diagnosis is 6 years old, while adults’ average age for cancer diagnosis is 66.
  • Childhood cancer is not one disease – there are 16 major types of pediatric cancers and over 100 subtypes.
  • Survival rates can range from almost 0% for cancers such as DIPG, a type of brain cancer, to as high as 90% for the most common type of childhood cancer known as Acute Lymphoma Leukemia (ALL).
  • More than 95% of childhood cancer survivors will have a significant health related issue by the time they are 45 years of age.
  • Those that survive the five years have an eight times greater mortality rate due to the increased risk of liver and heart disease and increased risk for reoccurrence of the original cancer or of a secondary cancer. 
  • There are 71 potential life years lost on average when a child dies of cancer compared to 17 potential life years lost for adults.

Here at Sammy's Superheroes Foundation, we believe that 4% is NOT nearly enough funding and WAY too many kids have to battle this awful disease. Help us do something BIG by 'going gold' in September, so that we can drive a change and fund innovative research to give the bravest kids a CURE.